In my last post I expressed indirectly that I was having trouble getting videos to work on this blog. Well as you can see below I was able to get it working at last! Well.. One problem down and Many more to go. I’ll beat them too!
I wasn’t able to fix the problem without consulting with the developer of the software, Vaam Yob (MY TUBE, WordPress Plugin).
If you are having the same problem with your blog, you can see the discussion we had which ended my headache, at:
This is a lesson in persistance, especially for your home based internet business. Don’t give up when obstacles come your way!
When I decided to try one more thing that I was reluctant to do in the first place because, I thaught the answer would not come untill days ahead, that is when the answer came. Not only did it come, but it came in a couple of ours, Instead of days.
If only I would have tried that in the first place, I wouldn’t have wasted days. Instead of being out honoring our troops past and present, Part of Memorial day was spent trying to solve this problem. After making this last attempt, I was going to turn my attention to something else if it didn’t work, but, success came at the last minute. Thank God!
Again the the discussion which ended my headache is at:
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