I will allow individuals with their own website or blog which they are promoting to leave links to their sites on this blog when they comment. However, there are certain rules that must be followed, otherwise, violating comments will be removed.
There are certain websites I will delete from the comment area, such as, Porno sites, gambling sites, hate sites or any sites with questionable business practices.
Sites with POP UP ads can be an annoyance, therefore if you are not among the banned sites but you have pop ups, leave links to a page without pop ups. If your intentions are decent, fair and respect other people rights you are safe here.
The other thing I ask is, DO NOT JUST SIMPLY LEAVE YOUR LINK. You must contribute to this community with your comments or questions. Just saying “COOL SITE” or “GREAT SITE” is not enough and is not informative to other readers. It is to your advantage for you to leave an informative comment or question that others may benefit from. They will respect and/or appreciate you for it and visit the link to your site.
Only one link is allowed!
I also ask that you link back to this blog with Anchor text below, without the parenthesis
(Home based Business and , Internet Marketing) by doing it this way:
<a href=”http://www.e-marketreview.com/blog”>Home based Business and , Internet Marketing</a>
or if you are using WordPress, highlight the text “Home based Business and , Internet Marketing,” click on the link symbol then enter my website address. you can copy and past the specific page with the post you like.
P.S. Please respect others and help make the internet a safe, fun and profitable place to visit.